Exclusive Triple Pleated Curtains which adorn your casements

Triple pleated curtains are perfect for your living rooms or dining rooms. You won’t fail to appreciate the excellent and personalized finish they offer. Neatly hang them on a pole, ideally underneath the poles for the best look. Triple pleat curtains offer many advantages. You just need a little wall space on each side to neatly pile them back. V Furnish triple pleat makes the perfect choice for door curtains or windows.

Is your choice a classic pinch-pleated curtain?

V Furnish Pinch Pleat or Triple pleat Curtains are vital additions to establish the mood of your chamber. The Pleats present an elegant appearance evenly spaced across the top well balanced to add volume, richness. The textile or fabric lets you to tailor-make creative triple pleats to complement your room’s decor. Curtain installation isn’t tedious with V Furnish. We guide you to install your curtain rod, poles or navigation trail in the preferred location.

When you choose Triple pleats focus on the modus operandi of getting it right. Choose a pole or shaft with rings, glide on the rings to get the perfect measure. Mount the rings first for more accuracy on length. With the size and rod in place, your curtains are ‘made- to- measure’, an unparalleled combination.