Hello guys I have discovered some really important stuff about curtain fabrics you really need to know about curtain fabrics before you commit your hard earned money. I know that few of you may think what’s new in this, but I should say you guys will surely miss out some important stuff. So V Furnish is here o make your task little bit easier.
You may think that just following some basic rules will save you a lot of heartache and disappointment. But it’s a fact you have to accept it.
Initially I must say that there is no such thing as a perfect piece of drapery fabric! You may wonder, don’t worry I’ll make you clear. If you review any piece of fabric hard enough you will find a flaw of some kind. Either in the weave or knit of the fabric or the dye used in it. Even the way the fabric made up in to curtains and hangs.
Apart from that what you should be looking for a good piece of fabric? Is that one that has no obvious flaws or blemishes? Or it’s all about small holes or big problems with the weave of the fabric. We are constrained only with these questions. Obviously there are some other criteria which we have to consider while looking for curtain fabric.
We all know that today people love online shopping even if they mess up sometime; they are not at all bothered about the online cheating and dupes. So here we are suggesting some ideas and tips for purchasing curtain fabrics from online.
Important tips to watch out for when buying your fabrics online
- If you see some branded fabrics in online that is selling for a very low price. Think that it is not being sold cheap because it has been returned as faulty fabric by another customer. Just ask them before you commit to buy. Sometimes it can be cheap fabric because that design or color has been discontinued and outdated.
- Another big problem that mismatches of fabric color .Don’t relies on the exact shade of the color. The color you see on your screen being the one you actually get will be different. If you think the colour shade is critical then contact the seller and ask them to send you a small sample.
- This is again related to the fabric colour but in a different way is the colour match. This problem arises if you are buying more than one piece of curtain fabric. You must ensure that those pieces fabric have come of the same roll of fabric or at least they belong to same dye batch at the manufacturers.
- The another problem is if you are buying curtain fabrics from online auctions rather than online fabric retailers. You may think this is a bonus but you should check with the seller that the fabric is being sold as “perfect”.
That all folks. If you are planning on making your curtains, then take a look at V Furnish and make your perfect choice with us.